
  • Asparagus D’Argentuil

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    This Asparagus variety produces vigorous medium green mouth-watering spears that are excellent fresh or quite suitable for freezing. This Heirloom Vegetable is one of the older and more common Asparagus varieties, good resistance rust and wilt.

    Asparagus is a perennial Vegetable, so you just plant them once and enjoy season after season of succulent spears. Seeds can be started indoors in spring for transplanting out around last frost. Bare roots can be planted as soon as they arrive in Spring. Rooted plants are great for Autumn and should be planted 4-6 weeks before first fall frost. In 2 years, you’ll have a light crop and a regular crop thereafter. When fully established, Asparagus plants can produce yields for 20 years or more. 75-100 Seeds/Package Untreated