
  • Radish French Tip 2 Punta Bianca Rosso

    0 out of 5

    French Radish Red White tip heirloom Vegetable. An older variety grown since the late 1870’s. Produces rich scarlet Red roots with White tips that are crisp, mild and surprisingly sweet. A real favourite that has stood the test of time! This is an extra early variety that forces well under glass and maintains it’s good eating quality for an extended period. Try this variety all season long until Autumn.
    350-400 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO

  • Radish Giant Champion

    0 out of 5

    Radish Giant Champion is a large globe-shaped variety 2″ across with Crimson Red skin and mild white flesh. Firm crisp with mild flavor. Attains a large size without becoming hollow in the middle. This is an extra early variety that forces well under glass and maintains it’s good eating quality for an extended period. Try this variety all season long until Autumn.
    350-400 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO

  • Radish Long White Icicle

    0 out of 5

    Radish Long White Icicle heirloom cylindrical, completely white. This Radish is crisp and mild, white roots grow to 5″ long. Fast and easy to grow best in cool weather.
    This is an extra early variety that forces well under glass and maintains it’s good eating quality for an extended period. Try this variety all season long until Autumn.
    350-400 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO

  • Radish Red Candlestick Candela di Fuoco

    0 out of 5

    Radish Red Candlestick (Candela di Fuoco) heirloom. A tasty beautiful Red coloured skin variety. This ancient Radish was introduced 1850’s. The long peppery roots 6″-8″ by 2″ diameter have bright beautiful skin with white flesh. An ideal variety for fall planting.
    350-400 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO

  • Radish Red Cherry Belle

    0 out of 5

    Radish Red Cherry Belle heirloom. Quick to grow! A delightful Cherry Red root that has solid crisp very sweet and mild tasting flesh. This is an extra early variety that forces well under glass and maintains it’s good eating quality for an extended period. Try this variety all season long until Autumn.
    350-400 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO