Beetroot Detriot 2 Dark Red

Beetroot Detriot 2 Dark Red

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Premium Beetroot variety perfectly round at 3″ inches, striking dark Red succulent flesh infused with deep sweet flavour. Harvesting promotes growth of the remaining Beets. Rich flavour with deep Red flesh and edible tender Greens. Dark Red flesh with excellent canning and pickling quality. Tops are of medium length (12-15 inches) Green and Maroon tinge. Ideal for both summer or fall harvest.
200 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO


In Stock

Sowing Instructions :

Sow Beet seeds in well-worked well-drained soil in full Sun after any danger of frost has past. Beets are sensitive to acidic soils and prefer a pH of 6.0 – 7.0. If your soil is more acidic,try adding Garden Lime as directed on the bag.
Sow thinly in rows 12 inches apart and cover with ½ inch of fine soil. Firm lightly and keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 14-21 days.
Thin to stand about 3″ apart when seedlings are 1-2″ tall.

Additional Information :
Day To Maturity

58 Days

Fruit Size

3 inches


8-10 inches


Direct Sow


4 inches


Full / Part Sun


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