Lettuce Four Seasons Meraviglia

Lettuce Four Seasons Meraviglia



Lettuce Four Seasons heirloom from late 1800’s Perfect for early spring and fall-winter harvests, remarkable cold hardiness. This very beautiful 6″ butterhead, is still one of the best lettuces around, both for early spring planting and for fall-winter harvests. Outer leaves are tinged with red.
1500 Seeds/Package Untreated


In Stock

Sowing Instructions :

Lettuce is a sun-loving cool weather crop that grows best in organic well drained soil. Sow seeds soon as soil can be worked in the spring, then every two weeks thereafter to ensure a continuous supply. Sow about 3 mm (1/8″) deep in rows 45 cm (18″) apart. An even supply of moisture during the entire growth period is imperative for success. Harvest leaf lettuce by either pulling the entire plant or by cutting leaves from the main stem at least 2.5 cm (1″) above the base – this will allow the plant to sprout new leaves. Harvest head lettuce by cutting the head off at the base just below the lower leaves.

Additional Information :
Day To Maturity

50-55 days

Fruit Size

6-8 inches


10-12 inches


Direct Sow


12-14 inches


Full / Part Sun


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