Squash Trombetta D’Albenga

Squash Trombetta D’Albenga

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Squash Trombetta D’Albenga heirloom. This delightful Italian Squash produces elongated cylindrical fruits that grow and curl up to 3 ft light-Green in colour. Wonderful eating before fully matured, also grown for their sprouts.
20-30 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO


In Stock

Sowing Instructions :

Squash are a hot weather crop. They need full Sun and deep rich well drained organic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Before sow/plant work in lots of compost. Directly sow seed outdoors from late May to mid June 2.5 cm (1″) deep in hills 2.4 m (8′) apart with 4-6 seeds per hill. After germination, thin to 3 plants per hill. Seed can be started indoors 3 weeks before the plant out date. Squash do not transplant well–use paper or pots that can be set directly in the soil. Protect mature squash from frost and cold temperatures.

Additional Information :
Day To Maturity

75-80 Days

Fruit Size

24-36 inches


10-12 inches


Indoor/Direct Sow


18-24 inches


Full Sun


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