Watermelon Sugar Baby

Watermelon Sugar Baby

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Very early variety, small spherical fruit with vivid green rind and crisp very sweet Red flesh. Sugar Baby keeps very well when refrigerated. Great for those with smaller gardens, shorter seasons, or who just want a great Watermelon in a bit smaller fruit.
20-25 Seeds/Package Untreated Non GMO


In Stock

Sowing Instructions :

Seeds require 5-10 days at a soil temperature of 24 C (75 F) to germinate, any lower and germination will be inhibited. Sow 6-8 seeds per hill 12 mm (1/2″) deep in hills spaced 1.8- 2.4 m (6-8′) from each other. Thin to 3-4 plants per hill. Keep plants well watered.

Additional Information :
Day To Maturity

75 Days

Fruit Size

10-13 lbs


15-22 inches


Direct Sow


6-8 inches


Full Sun


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